Management Philosophy System

Management Philosophy System Image

Management Philosophy

To contribute to the prosperity of society by providing high-value products and services from our customer’s point of view.

Corporate Culture

Essentials, Reality, Simplicity and Speed

Create a corporate culture that embodies the aspects of
“Essentials, Reality, Simplicity and Speed” and become a “strong and robust company”


Facing the future/Challenge & Change/ for 2030

The Nippon Seiki Group aims to be a total solution company that provides safety, security and excitement to people around the world through technology.

Vision image
Vision image
Vision image

Awareness Change

  • 1.Focus on cost improvement
  • 2.Critical of the current situation, challenge reform
  • 3.Speed up judgment and execution
  • 4.Have the spirit to lead the organization
  • 5.Change your perspective and ideas, and take on challenges
  • 6.Systematize and improve organizational strength

Mid-term Management Policy

Strengthening the management base of the automotive business and new business
creation through collaboration between businesses including services
1. Profitability Enhancement 2. Management Efficiency 3. New Business Creation

Strengthening the management base of the automotive business and new business creation through collaboration between businesses including services
1. Profitability Enhancement
2. Management Efficiency
3. New Business Creation

Next Gen. Business Creation
  • ■Improve the group consolidated profitability by linking the strengths of the headquarter functional axis with each business as the main axis, and by building a revenue base and planned business investment.
  • ■Develop business strategies on a global scale, set up control functions in line with the characteristics of each region, and generate maximum profits through regional strategies.
  • ■Create new businesses for the next generation by capturing the needs of society, markets, and stakeholders, and utilizing the company's own capital.

Quality Policy

NS Group is involved in all activities of planning, designing, developing, manufacturing, and selling products, including the automotive, consumer, and compounds businesses, NS Group executes in accordance with the following matters in order to meet customer requirements and establish the best quality and technology in the industry based on the concept of quality first.

  • (1) To improve customer satisfaction by analyzing and evaluating whether our products meet and conform to the statutory and regulatory, customers and functional safety requirements.
  • (2) To declare the competitive targets of Q(Quality), D(Delivery), C(Cost), D(Development), and achieve them.
  • (3) To include the achievement of the quality targets in our business plan, and promote them as a key management matter.
  • (4) To improve the quality management system continually in order to carry out these above matters thoroughly.

Human Rights Policy

We, the Nippon Seiki Group ("we" or "us" hereinafter), will continue to respond to social demands to fulfill our responsibility to respect human rights in order to achieve sustainable development with the global society in all our business activities. Here, we present our stance and thoughts on human rights and promote our human rights initiatives.

  1. Commitment to respect for human rights
    We recognize that our business activities can have an impact on the human rights of all stakeholders. We understand and support the “International Bill of Human Rights” and the “ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work” as the minimum human rights principles and standards with which companies must comply. We will put them into practice in our business activities.
    We will comply with the laws and regulations of the countries and regions in which we operate. If the laws and regulations of the country conflict with international human rights, we will pursue ways to respect internationally recognized human rights to the greatest extent possible.
  2. Scope of application
    This policy applies to all officers and employees of the NS Group (Nippon Seiki and its consolidated subsidiaries). We also expect all of our stakeholders to understand this policy.
  3. Human rights due diligence
    We will establish and continuously implement processes to identify, prevent, and mitigate negative human rights impacts in order to fulfill our responsibility to respect human rights with the aim of achieving a sustainable society.
  4. Correction and remedy
    When it becomes clear that we have caused or contributed to negative impacts on human rights, we will work to correct and remedy such impacts and prevent future activities that may cause or contribute to similar negative impacts. We will also promote the establishment of appropriate and effective remedy mechanisms for human rights.
  5. Education
    We will continuously provide the necessary education and training to ensure that all officers and employees understand the importance of our human rights policy and act accordingly.
  6. Information disclosure
    We will regularly disclose information on our efforts to respect human rights through our website and other means.
  7. Dialogue and discussion with stakeholders
    We will utilize outside expertise in implementing our respect for human rights initiatives, and will engage in ongoing dialogue and consultation with relevant stakeholders.